Friday, 21 September 2007

Major change of direction?

It is now 2 1/2 months since I started on this journey. Credit (or blame) can go to Roberto, an esteemed colleague and friend who led by example. My first readers (excluding the one or two friends who read by a combination of coercion and emotional blackmail) came on 27th July, when Roberto showed me how to get Facebook to import my blog entries. Together, we journeyed far around the world, and have explored and moaned about many topics since then - 113 topics to be precise. Hasn't it been fun?

I suppose those two comments are the basis of this post. They're questions for you. You see, I've got regular visitors (and even some subscribers) - I hope that I succeed in what I want to do: give something to ponder and raise a chuckle. But one day stands out in the history of this blog as the most read: the dreaded hospital trip. It had 4 times more visits than my next highest day. It even got dugg.

I'm don't want to be a crowd-pleaser, but at the same time, I am left with a couple of questions. Do I need to cover more topics, or less. Is the tone right? Most importantly, do I need to become an insect-snorting maniac?

I'd love some feedback if you're able to give me some. If you think I should do more of the same, if you would like to see some changes. Anything would be great. Just leave a comment and let me know. And thanks for reading. It's been emotional.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm afraid it's going to have to be insect snorting. The audience has spoken!